Friday, October 3, 2008

Its a Girl!!

We finally know! We went in for our ultrasound this morning with both grandmothers and Angela in tow. Our appointment was at 8:15 this morning so I made sure to get up early enough to have myself hydrated with a full bladder. I hear that makes things easier to see. I had a hard time sleeping the night before. I woke up a little after 4 this morning and just laid there for over an hour feeling our sweet little baby move contemplating whether it was a boy or girl. I was hoping our little one was as active for the ultrasound as she was that entire morning. The ultrasound was amazing. We were able to see our little one at 12 weeks but not like we could see it now. You could see the arms and legs and toes and spine and nose and ears and lips! I could go on and on. Thankfully, you could also see the baby's gear and without any doubt our little one is a girl! Most of all we wanted our baby to be healthy. Given a choice we would have chosen girl. Not because we don't want a boy. Boys are abundant on Jonathan's side of the family but a bit lacking in the female division. We knew ultimately we wanted a girl and since they seem to be harder to come by it was a relief to get that down. I also was ready for the girl. Thanks to Angela we have a good start on the clothes and I had already found bedding I fell in love with. I wasn't so much prepared for a boy although I'm sure it would not have taken me long to get prepared had I found out we were having one. I think most of all I'm excited about the bows. Not the little tiny bows. I'm talking about the giant bows. The bows that are bigger than the babies head itself!
I thought knowing would tide me over til its time for our little girl to arrive but that's not the case. Now I just want to hold her. I'm going to get a huge lesson in patience over these next 19 weeks. I'm very ready to meet her. Husband has already informed me that I'll have to be the disciplinarian while he spoils her rotten. I figured as much. I'm guessing when I want something I can get her to ask daddy for me. I'm not sure he'll ever use the word "no" with her.